Società Napoletana di Storia Patria Library project

Have a look at the Digital Archive here.

This digital archive is one of the major projects among the activities of the project co:op.

In 2015 the increase of the data in the digital archive takes place thanks to a crowd-sourcing activity coordinated by UNINA in collaboration with the University of Cologne.

This crowd-sourcing concerns basically

  • bibliographical references for summaries and editions, particularly if they are scattered in serials;
  • bibliographical references for newly published summaries and editions, or those in print;
  • already published summaries and transcriptions for which it will be possible to re-publish them entirely on Monasterium.Net;
  • hints regarding charters which could be aggregated to the collections;
  • and in general all indications useful for our work in progress.

At the same time our research team, established at the University of Naples, is engaged in the recognition of the documentation with the aim to regroup the charters with the same origin and to reconstruct the original archives by creating the respective digital collections. Moreover, the team reconstructs the production areas of the charters by georeferencing the place dates, identifies the documents already printed as well as those still unpublished, indexes the persons and the places. The group will publish the results step-by-step in the digital archive on Monasterium.Net.

For further information on the characteristics of the charter fonds, the details of the research activities and the objectives of the team have a look at the article of A. Ambrosio, Open the Shrine. The South Italian charters preserved at the Biblioteca della Società Napoletana di Storia Patria are now accessible for all on

A Bit of Project History

The project was established in 2008, following an idea of Antonella Ambrosio, and sustained by financing from ICARUS (International Centre on Archival Research). The charters were photographed by Michele Innangi.

Hereafter it became part of the activities of the project ENArC (European Network on Archival Cooperation) – EU, Culture Programme, 2007-2013.

For insights in the digitisation process have a look here.

The structure of the digital archive and the data of the fonds and the pertaining collections online were elaborated thanks to the research team UNINA. Moreover, the archive was object of copious educational activities at the same university.

Below you find a list of the respective activities

Keynote lectures, papers, seminars, lectures, book presentations

  • Maria Rosaria Falcone, Francesco Lerra, Digital Archives and the Italian experience: new prospects for improved accessibility?, within the session Building from scratch: written heritage online, in occasion of the international conference “Archival Cooperation and Community building in the Digital Age” (Brevnov Archabbey – Prague, Czech Republic – 27-29 April 2015), organised by ICARUS and the Národní archiv.

Courses in Palaeography and Diplomatics with digital technologies

  • Academic Course 2015/2016: Palaeography and Diplomatics with MOM-CA for MA Students in History and MA Students in Organisation and Administration of the Cultural and Environmental Heritage and in History
    prof. Antonella Ambrosio, tutor Maria Rosaria Falcone, Vera Schwarz-Ricci (Università degli studi di Napoli Federico II, Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici – Naples, Italy – March-May 2015)
  • Academic Course 2014/2015: Palaeography with MOM-CA for MA Students in Organisation and Administration of the Cultural and Environmental Heritage and MA Students in History
    prof. Antonella Ambrosio, tutor Maria Rosaria Falcone (Università degli studi di Napoli Federico II, Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici – Naples, Italy – March-May 2015)
  • Academic Course 2013/2014: Palaeography with MOM-CA for MA Students in History
    prof. Antonella Ambrosio, tutor Maria Rosaria Falcone (Università degli studi di Napoli Federico II, Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici – Naples, Italy – March-May 2014)
  • Academic Course 2012/2013: Diplomatics with MOM-CA for MA Students in History
    prof. Antonella Ambrosio, tutor Maria Rosaria Falcone (Università degli studi di Napoli Federico II, Dipartimento di Scienze storiche – Naples, Italy – March-May 2013)
  • Academic Course 2011/2012: Diplomatics with MOM-CA and Rete@ccessibile for BA and MA Students in History
    prof. Antonella Ambrosio, tutor Maria Rosaria Falcone (Università degli studi di Napoli Federico II, Dipartimento di Scienze storiche – Naples, Italy – March-May 2012)
  • Academic Course 2011/2012: Diplomatics with MOM-CA and Rete@ccessibile for the students of the Master (post lauream) in Library and Archival Science and Methodology of Research 2011/2012
    prof. Antonella Ambrosio, tutor Maria Rosaria Falcone (Università degli studi di Napoli Federico II, Dipartimento di Scienze storiche – Naples, Italy – October-December 2011)

Internships for Bachelor and Master Students

  • Internship in data elaboration for digital archives to be published on (Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II, Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici – Naples, Italy – ICARus December 2015-May 2016): Carolina Antignani, Rossella Del Mondo, Raffaele Esposito (Università degli studi di Napoli Federico II, Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici, Master Degree in History).
  • Internship in data elaboration for digital archives to be published on (Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II, Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici – Naples, Italy – ICARus October-December 2014): Francesco Lerra (Università degli studi di Napoli Federico II, Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici, Master Degree in History).


SS. Pietro e Sebastiano subproject

Other activities concerned parts of the documentation in dedicated subprojects: the subprojects of the nunnery SS. Pietro e Sebastiano and of that of the monastery S. Maria della Grotta.

For further details on these subprojects have a look here.

Virtual archive (collection)

For further details have a look here.

Teaching and research fellowships in international universities and research institutions

  • Antonella Ambrosio: Forschungsstelle für Vergleichende Ordensgeschichte, Technische Universität Dresden. International Summer School: Basic Structures of Medieval Religious Life. Seminars held: Digital Archives of Female Convents in Naples on Monasterium.Net; A Case study: the Digital Archive of ‘SS. Pietro e Sebastiano’ Monastery.
  • Antonella Ambrosio, Digital Archives of Female Convents in Naples on Monasterium.Net, in occasion of the 3. International Summer School: Basic Structures of Medieval Religious Life (Dresden, Germany – 28 July-5 August 2011), organised by the Forschungsstelle für Vergleichende Ordensgeschichte, Technische Universität Dresden.
  • Antonella Ambrosio, A Case study: the Digital Archive of ‘SS. Pietro e Sebastiano’ Monastery, in occasion of the 3. International Summer School: Basic Structures of Medieval Religious Life (Dresden, Germany – 28 July-5 August 2011), organised by the Forschungsstelle für Vergleichende Ordensgeschichte, Technische Universität Dresden.

Keynote lectures, papers, seminars, lectures, book presentations

  • Antonella Ambrosio, Participation in the round table in occasion of the Presentazione del volume Dal monastero di S. Sebastiano al Liceo V. Emanuele II, secoli VI-XXI, di Francesco Di Vaio, Giovanni Aricò, Francesco Innangi, Sonia Severino, Raffaele Ruggiero, Napoli 2011 (Società Napoletana di Storia Patria – Naples, Italy – 31 May 2011), invited speaker.

International collaborations (mobility)

  • Gianluca Aiello: participation in International Summer School Basic Structures of Medieval Religious Life (Dresden, Germany – 25-26 July 2011), organised by the Forschungsstelle für Vergleichende Ordensgeschichte, Technische Universität Dresden.


 S. Maria della Grotta subproject

For further details on this subproject have a look here.

Virtual archive (collection)

For further details have a look here.


  • Various authors, Le pergamene dell’abbazia di S. Maria della Grotta di Vitulano (BN), 1200- 1250. Un edizione digitale (in print)

Keynote lectures, papers, seminars, lectures, book presentations

  • Antonella Ambrosio, Digital critical editions of medieval documents on Monasterium.Net, in L’édition en ligne de documents d’archives médiévaux : enjeux, méthodologie et défis, (Nancy, 9 – 10 giugno 2016), Colloque international – Centre de Recherche Universitaire Lorrain d’Histoire (CRULH) de Nancy
  • Southern Italy in the Norman and Staufen Periods, III: Documents and Digital Technologies, Session in Leeds International Medieval Congress (leeds, 4 – 7 luglio 2016), Institute for Medieval Studies of Leeds (moderator: Antonella Ambrosio; papers: Adele Di Lorenzo, Paola Massa, Vera Isabell Schwarz-Ricci)
  • Antonella Ambrosio, La marcatura e le forme dei documenti privati medievali nell’Italia meridionale. L’edizione digitale delle carte dell’abbazia di S. Maria in Gruptis di Vitulano in  La edición académica del documento notarial y concejil en la era digital / The Scholarly Edition of notarial and municipal charters in the Digital Age, University of Oviedo and DIXIT, 10-11 octuber 2016


  • Antonella Ambrosio, Il progetto dell’edizione digitale delle carte di S. Maria della Grotta, in occasion of the workshop Towards a digital edition of the charters of the abbey S. Maria della Grotta with Monasterium.Net (Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici – Naples, Italy – 16-17 February 2015), organised by the Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici of the Università degli studi Federico II.
  • Maria Rosaria Falcone, Vera Isabell Schwarz-Ricci, L’edizione digitale con l’ausilio di MOM-CA software, in occasion of the workshop Towards a digital edition of the charters of the abbey S. Maria della Grotta with Monasterium.Net (Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici – Naples, Italy – 16-17 February 2015), organised by the Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici of the Università degli studi Federico II.
  • Paola Massa, Forme dei documenti privati dell’Italia meridionale a tradizione longobarda. Possibilità di mark-up, in occasion of the workshop Towards a digital edition of the charters of the abbey S. Maria della Grotta with Monasterium.Net (Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici – Naples, Italy – 16-17 February 2015), organised by the Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici of the Università degli studi Federico II.
  • Georg Vogeler, Prospettive per un’edizione digitale di documenti medievali, in occasion of the workshop Towards a digital edition of the charters of the abbey S. Maria della Grotta with Monasterium.Net (Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici – Naples, Italy – 16-17 February 2015), organised by the Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici of the Università degli studi Federico II.
  • Antonella Ambrosio, Per il recupero e la valorizzazione del patrimonio documentale: dalle pergamene all’archivio virtuale in Monasterium.Net, in occasion of the seminar Da Vitulano all’Europa. L’abbazia di S. Maria della Grotta (Vitulano, Italy – 13 September 2014), organised by the municipality of Vitulano, in collaboration with the Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici dell’Università Federico II di Napoli, the Società Napoletana di Storia Patria and ICARUS.
  • Antonella Ambrosio, Monasterium, Topotheque. I progetti di ricerca per la valle Vitulanese, in Da Vitulano all’Europa. Immagini di un territorio e delle famiglie sul portale Topotheque, with the Onlus Association “Fagus. Territori in crescita” – Vitulano (BN), 25 giugno 2016
  • Antonella Ambrosio, Palaeographic research on digitized charters in Southern Italy: experiences and desiderata, in occasion of the conference Papsturkundenforschung zwischen internationaler Vernetzung und Digitalisierung. Neue Zugangsweisen zur europäischen Schriftgeschichte (Munich, Germany – 24-25 March 2014), organised by the Universities of Erlangen and Monaco within the project „Schrift und Zeichen“.
  • Antonella Ambrosio, Presentazione del libro Le pergamene di S. Maria della Grotta di Vitulano (BN), Salerno, Laveglia & Carlone, 2014 e dell’archivio virtuale di Santa Maria della Grotta (Benevento, Italy – 11 April 2014), organised by the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, the Università degli studi di Napoli and the Centro di cultura ‘R. Calabria’.
  • Antonella Ambrosio, Presentazione del libro Le pergamene di S. Maria della Grotta di Vitulano (BN), Salerno, Laveglia & Carlone, 2014 e dell’archivio virtuale di Santa Maria della Grotta, in occasion of “Quando era conte d’Alife Giovanni di Ravecanina…” Il Medio Volturno al tempo dei Normanni (Piedimonte Matese, Italy – 10 May 2014), presentation organised by the Associazione Storica del Medio Volturno and the Università degli studi Suor Orsola Benincasa.


  • Antonella Ambrosio: Study day Da Vitulano all’Europa. L’abbazia di S. Maria della Grotta, seminar organised by the municipality of Vitulano (Vitulano, Italy – 13 September 2014), in collaboration with the Dipartimento degli Studi Umanistici of the Università degli studi Federico II di Napoli, the Società Napoletana di Storia Patria and ICARUS (International centre for Archival Research).
  • Antonella Ambrosio: Workshop Towards a digital edition of the charters of the abbey S. Maria della Grotta with Monasterium.Net II (Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici – Naples, Italy – 8 April 2015)
  • Antonella Ambrosio: Workshop Towards a digital edition of the charters of the abbey S. Maria della Grotta with Monasterium.Net (Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici – Naples, Italy – 16-17 February 2015)
  • Antonella Ambrosio with Georg Vogeler: Workshop Digital Edition for Diplomatists (Universität Graz) (Rigsarkivet – Copenhagen, Denmark – 17 June 2014)

Educational activities and traineeships

  • Antonella Ambrosio: Workshop ENArC LEARNING COMMUNITY: Training Phase: Metadata for the Digital Archive S. Agostino Maggiore (Università degli studi di Napoli Federico II – Naples, Italy – June-September 2011), tutor: Maria Rosaria Falcone
  • Antonella Ambrosio: Workshop ENArC LEARNING COMMUNITY: Training Phase: Metadata for the Digital Archive (Università degli studi di Napoli Federico II, Biblioteca della Società Napoletana di Storia Patria – Naples, Italy – April-June 2011), tutor: Maria Rosaria Falcone
  • Antonella Ambrosio: Workshop ENArC LEARNING COMMUNITY: La digitalizzazione per la BSNSP (Università degli studi di Napoli Federico II – Naples, Italy – 7 April 2011), tutor: Maria Rosaria Falcone
  • Antonella Ambrosio: Workshop ENArC LEARNING COMMUNITY: La codifica XML per archive digitali: tavola rotonda (Università degli studi di Napoli Federico II – Naples, Italy – 25 March 2011), tutor: Maria Rosaria Falcone
  • Antonella Ambrosio: Workshop ENArC LEARNING COMMUNITY: La codifica XML per archivi digitali in (Università degli studi di Napoli Federico II – Naples, Italy – 3-4 March 2011), tutor: Maria Rosaria Falcone
  • Antonella Ambrosio: Workshop ENArC LEARNING COMMUNITY: La codifica XML (Università degli studi di Napoli Federico II – Naples, Italy – 17 February 2011), , tutor: Maria Rosaria Falcone

International collaborations (mobility)

Vera Isabell Schwarz-Ricci: participation in ICARUS Spring School 2012: Digitale Edition von Archivalien und Handschriften (Vienna, Austria –  6-10 February 2012), organised by ICARUS, Institut für Dokumentologie und Editorik and Institut für Österreichische Geschichtsforschung.

 Awards for scientific merits

Antonella Ambrosio: Honorary citizenship for scientific merits awarded by the municipality of Vitulano (BN) for the research and digitisation activities conducted on the medieval documentation of the abbey S. Maria della Grotta di Vitulano in an international context.

Comment ( 1 )

  1. Open the shrine. The South Italian charters preserved at the Biblioteca della Società Napoletana di Storia Patria are now accessible for all on | co:op

    […] For further information on our past and current activities have a look at SNSP project […]