Naples Time Machine


Beginning its journey in 2019 and covering t he years 800-2000 AD, the Naples Time Machine (NTM) pushes the boundaries of science and technology to build a model of this historical city’s past.
This project is part of Time Machine European project:
For further details look at: Naples Time machine

Beginning Year of Naples time machine


Geographical Window

Naples, Italy – Campania region

Scientific responsible: Antonella Ambrosio

MUSA Cartography and Landscape unit: Antonello Migliozzi, scientific responsible

Scientific commission (to be enlarged): Rosalba Di Meglio (DSU), Stefano Mazzoleni (MUSA), Flavia Santoianni (DSU)


Involved Institutions

ICARUS – International Centre for Archival Research




Application to receive funding by the European Commission and by national institutions has been issued


Associated Partners


A brief overview on Insight 2020


NTM at project´s final conference in Brussels

17 February 2020

A. Ambrosio and A. Migliozzi participated to the Local Time Machine Roundtable

Bruxelles_Time machine

Time Machine to Belgrad!

Antonella Ambrosio, Antonello Migliozzi, Through the Naples Time Machine. A starting Point and the Motivation, in Archives and Archival Research in the Digital Environment, ICARUS Convention #24, (Belgrado, 23-25 settembre 2019)

Time Machine 2019 Conference

10-11 October 2019 – Dresden

Here we are too!

The conference on European TV: here



Naples,  2019 July 23

University of Naples, Via Marina 33, VII, 711

h. 15.00

Organised by the Centro Museale delle scienze Agrarie,  the DSW Lab – Historical documents on the web of the Department of Humanities, the Icarus Italia association

Antonella Ambrosio (Department of Humanities)
Napoli Time machine towards the Big Data of the Past
Antonello Migliozzi (MUSA)
Naples Time machine bridging ecology and history

Cristina Montiel Molina  (Department of Geography. Faculty of Geography and History. Complutense University of Madrid, Spain)
La relación entre ecología histórica del paisaje y gestión del territorio: raíces geo-históricas del riesgo de incendios forestales en España
(Bridging historical landscape ecology and land management: the geo-historical background of fire risk in Spain)
(Spanish language)
Discussion / round table  about the theme and the possibilities of a common planning in the context of the Naples Time machine



Workshop (Cycle: Digital Humanities on Thursday)  organised within the Icarus Didactics group (ICARUS4Education) and in cooperation with the  the San Bonaventura Onlus Association, the Time machine european project, the DSW Lab – Historical documents on the web of the Department of Humanities.

La documentazione storica dalle sedi di conservazione agli Open Data: il progetto Naples Time machine

30 May 2019 (S. Lorenzo Maggiore, Napoli)

Antonella Ambrosio, Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II, DSU, Introduzione ai lavori

Rosalba Di Meglio, Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II, DSU
Il convento S. Lorenzo Maggiore paradigma della storia di Napoli

Daniele Ferraiuolo, Università degli Studi Suor Orsola Benincasa di Napoli – Associazione San Bonaventura ONLUS
Le nuove strategie di comunicazione e di ‘narrazione’ delle biblioteche e degli archivi: l’esperienza della San Lorenzo Escape presso il Complesso di S. Lorenzo Maggiore di Napoli

Flavia Santoianni, Alessandro Ciasullo, Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II, Research Trends in Humanities Lab
Un approccio alla documentazione storica in un ambiente di apprendimento virtuale

31 May (UNINA, Via Marina 33, IX piano)

Laboratorio a cura di Vera Schwarz-Ricci e di Maria Rosaria Falcone, Università degli Studi d Napoli Federico II, DSW Lab
La rappresentazione digitale dei documenti medievali su l’esempio dei documenti ‘inesistenti’ del convento di S. Lorenzo Maggiore